The Black City
Májusi fagy
A Tenkes kapitánya
The Martyrdom of St. John
The Red and the White
The Round-Up
Egy ember, aki nincs
Two Half-Times in Hell
The Land of Angels
(Uncle Imre)
Twenty Hours
On the Roofs of Budapest
The Storm
(Göndöcs Gyula párttitkár)
Springtime in Budapest
(Gazsó Bertalan)
Ward No. 9
(Gáspár Tóth)
Late Season
The Birth of Menyhért Simon
(Gáspár Dániel)
Red Psalm
(Lovas Imre, socialist)
The Valley
The Fanatics
A Girl Was Killed
The Upthrown Stone
(Kerék András)
Two Confessions
Cold Days
(Prison warden)
My Way Home
(Hazatérõ férfi)
Refuge England
(The Young Man)
Gala Dinner
(Tuba Sanyi)
The Soil Under Your Feet
(Jani Tarcali)
The Bitter Truth
Stolen Happiness
Ten Thousand Days
(Széles István)
Anna Szabó
Honour and Glory
(Bikov, Soviet stahanovist)
Goose Boy
(pseudo-Ludas Matyi)
The Day of Wrath
A Strange Mark of Identity
(János Busa)
(Ferenc Bakos)
The Sea has Risen
(József Irínyi)
Thorn Castle
(Csikósi Balázs)
Thorn Castle
(Csikós Balázs)