Lady Frankenstein
(Sara Willis)
Italy is Rotten
Watch Out, We're Mad
(Chica 1)
Ragazzo di borgata
Sex, Demons and Death
(Lady Eva Minoldi)
Execution Squad
The Killer Is on the Phone
Soap and Water
(Amica Enzo (uncredited))
Seven Beauties
(Prostitute (uncredited))
No One Will Notice You're Naked
Good Like Bread
Cause of Divorce
The Way of the Baboons
Savage Three
(Friend of Politician's Wife)
The Maid Seduces the Cowards
La Missione del Mandrillo
The Cat in Heat
(Massimo's Friend)
Blood Story
Fra' Tazio da Velletri
The Skin Under the Claws
The Migratory Bird
(Nurse (uncredited))
Naked Violence
Women in Cell Block 7
The Exorciccio
(Pasquale's Housekeeper)
The Lovemakers
La sensualità è un attimo di vita
(Friend of Marcella)
Tabula rasa
Night Police Station
Two Brothers in Trinity
Principe coronato cercasi per ricca ereditiera
Continuavano a chiamarli... er più e er meno
(Sottotenente Luciana Impallomeni)
You Can Do a Lot with 7 Women
The French Sex Murders
(Doris the maid)
Sotto a chi tocca!
White Fang and the Kid
Disco Music Fever
Novelle galeotte d'amore
Property Is No Longer a Theft
The Cat o' Nine Tails
(Telephone operator)
The Terror with Cross-Eyes
(RAI TV Employee)
Ancora una volta prima di lasciarci
(Young Feminist)
(French noblewoman)
Four Flies on Grey Velvet
(Extra (credit only))
Il provinciale
The Union
I due assi del guantone
(Teresa's Mother)