Peace to the Huts, War to the Palaces
It All Starts With Love
(Hanna Pavlivna)
The Black Hen, or Living Underground
(Darya Petrovna)
Have Mercy and Forgive
(Мать Диночки - жена начальника)
Good Intentions
Comrade Brigade
Warmth of the Chilly Earth
(Ольга Игнатьевна Круглова)
Today and Tomorrow
(Екатерина Сидоркина)
Two Knew the Password
The First Lad
Provincial Anecdote
Put k serdtsu
Captured by ghosts
Soldier Girl
Второе дыхание
(Galina Mikhaylovna Karandina)
Where are you, Knights?
(Nina Petrovna Tishchenko)
Yurka's Sunrises
(Olga Fyodorovna)