Yuri Gusev


Parking - Three Hours

Men Wanted

Линия жизни

Затянувшийся экзамен


Once Upon A Time There Was A Brave Captain

We're from Jazz


Winter Evening in Gagry

(TV clerk)


The Lost Expedition

(Федор (отец Мити))


What's There Around the Bend?

Night Over Chile

Let Him Stay With Us

The Criminal Quartet

The White Gauntlet

Счет человеческий


The Star Inspector

Step Right... Step Left...


The Secret of the Notebook


Variant "Zombi"

Code Name "Southern Thunder"


Fan 2

(Николай Иванович)

Contract of the Century

Отклонение - ноль

With No Expiration Date


Reporting from the Line of Fire


The Love of Mankind


Pass On


The Search

The Extra Arrives on the Second Path


The End of the Lyubavines


The Third Dimension


The Music of Life

The Mercedes Man File

(Mikhail Vasilievitch)

Kind Men

(Митрофан Семёнович Тиходонский)

The Secret Agent's Return



(german officer)

Starling and Lyre

(Drunken lieutenant)

One Second for a Feat



Ooh, Train Robbery

House on Lesnaya Street

Password "Hotel Regina"

Fiery Bridge



The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce

(television announcer)

Battle for Moscow

(начштаба Западного фронта генерал-лейтенант Климовских)

Long Road in the Dunes

(Losev Vladimir Stepanovich)

Roads of Fire