Aleksei Alekseyev




From Winter to Winter


Old Debts

(Тихон Орлов, муж Надежды Николаевны)

Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov...

(Василий Голубев, парторг института)



Speech for the Defence


I Am His Bride


On Thin Ice


Пущик едет в Прагу

(direktor shkoly)

Year as Long as Life

(Wilhelm Wolf)

In the Name of the Revolution

(Vladimir Dmitrievich Bonch-Bruevich)

Wagtail's Army

(полковник колчаковской армии)

Scarlet Sails

(Panten, mate (in credits N. Alekseev))

Академик из Аскании

(Arkadiy Limantsev, perevodchik i rabotnik Vneshtorga)

For the Power of the Soviets


The Road

(major (uncredited))

Dangerous Trails

(militia captain, arrested Mayboroda)

Mysterious Find

(Stepan Golovin, Rybachy militia commander)

Attack from the Sea


Post in the Mountains

(майор Устинов (нет в титрах))

The Miners of Donetsk

(plant manager)

Happy Flight

(шофер (нет в титрах))

Story of a Real Man

(doctor (uncredited))

Private Aleksandr Matrosov

(soldier (uncredited))

Our Heart

(engineer (uncredited))

Счет человеческий

(зам. министра)



The New Moscow

The Law of Life

There Will Be No Leave Today

(Col. Gvelesiani)

The Tale of the "Neistoviy"

They Were Actors

(President of the Military Tribunal)

The Places Here Are Quiet


Night Guard

(major Subbotin)

The Train Goes East


Eternal Call

(Nikolaev, head teacher)