Samurai Fiction
(Tadasuke Kurosawa)
Seven Days War
(Kazuto Nakao)
Video Girl Ai
(Youta Moteuchi)
Junji Inagawa: Prey 2
Fancy Dance
(Ikuo Shiono)
Happy Ending Story
Geharha: The Dark and Long-Haired Monster
(Hideo Hagiwara)
Love & Pop
(Business Man)
Reiko, the Psyche Resurrected
The Kiss of an Invisible Man
Bengoshi Bunsuke Ikari
I Prefer Tomorrow's You
(Uto Masaya)
AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo
(Shinji Goto)
(Kikuo Makino)
The Files of the Young Kindaichi
(Eiji Toono)
Shady Job Family