Amor en la sombra
El que con niños se acuesta...
La visita que no tocó el timbre
(Invitado a casa de don Francisco)
La mujer que engañamos
(Invitada a boda (uncredited))
Una aventura en la noche
(Miembro del consejo (uncredited))
The Soft One
El bombero atómico
(Hombre entre multitud (uncredited))
Tailored gentleman
(Invitado fiesta (uncredited))
A Family Like Many Others
(Invitado a boda (uncredited))
To the Sound of the Mambo
Si yo fuera diputado
(Miembro del jurado (uncredited))
Your Excellency
(Espectador asamblea (uncredited))
The Great Madcap
(Invitado a fiesta (uncredited))
A Woman Without Love
(Invitado a fiesta (uncredited))
Illusion Travels by Streetcar
(Miembro del consejo (uncredited))
The Exterminating Angel
(Old Man Trapped at Church (uncredited))
(Espectador (uncredited))
(Invitado a boda (uncredited))
The Devil Is a Woman
(Asistente desfile de modas (uncredited))
Ella y Yo
(Invitado a boda (uncredited))
The Other
(Hombre en funeral (uncredited))
Doña Perfecta
(Invitado a cena (uncredited))
Angelitos Negros
(Doctor (uncredited))
Dicen que soy mujeriego
(Invitado a fiesta (uncredited))
They also sing of pain
(Cliente en cabaret (uncredited))
Los apuros de Narciso
The Innocent
(Invitado a recepción (uncredited))
Mi campeón
(Invitado a fiesta (uncredited))
School for Buglars
(Invitado a fiesta (uncredited))
Dios los cría
(Miembro de comité (uncredited))
El hombre inquieto
(Invitado a boda (uncredited))
Teatro del crimen
(Espectador (uncredited))
The Champion Cyclist
(Subscriptor del periódico (uncredited))
The Phantom of the Operetta
(Espectador (uncredited))
El cuarto mandamiento
(Store client)
(Doctor (uncredited))
Sor Ye-yé
(Señor secretario)
Oh Pain, Little Pain, Pain!
(Hombre en restaurante (no acreditado))
Sueños de oro
(Miembro banco (uncredited))
La tórtola del Ajusco
La loca
(Paciente que se cree rey)
Path of evil
(Hombre en casa de juegos)
El hombre de la máscara de hierro
(Anunciador de la corte)
Our Daily Hunger
(Don Leoncio)