The Viper Brothers: Four and a Half Years in Jail
Otoko no Uta
A Lively Geisha
Onna yajikita-tatchi ryokō
Ai to kanashimi to
Taiyō Sensei Seishunki
Basement of Death
(Susumu Yamanoi)
Tokaido hijokeikai
Reckless Drivers
Quiet Dawn in the Front
The Horizon Glitters
(Lieutenant Tsukamoto)
Cave Queens
Vampire Bride
The Gambler's Law
Flame and the Code
(Kiyoshi Takenaka)
Blackmail Is My Life
Outlaw: Goro the Assassin
(Ooba, Meishinkai's boss)
Battles Without Honor and Humanity
(Yamakata Shinichi)
A History of the Japanese Underworld - The Bloody Resistance
Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony
Brothers Serving Time
Red Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling Room
The Cheating Underworld
Brutal Woman
This Is a Man's World
(Kenji Takamiya)
Blood and Law
Organized Violence
Zoku seiun yakuza - ikari no otoko
A Kamikaze Cop
The Blazing Sword
Code Between Brothers: All New
Shichinin no keiji
By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him
The Viper Brothers: Prison Gang 13
Great Jailbreak
A Modern Yakuza: Humanity and Justice of the Outlaw
Face of the Dice
Shōwa Gokudōshi
The Final Gamble
Woman His Prey
A Modern Yakuza: Three Decoy Blood Brothers
(Kanbee Nobutaka)