Grigoris Bithikotsis (Greek Γρηγόρης Μπιθικώτσης, December 11, 1922 – April 7, 2005) was a Greek folk singer/songwriter with a career spanning five decades. He is considered one of the most important figures in Greek popular music. Bithikotsis was born in Peristeri, Athens, in 1922 to a poor family. He became interested in music at an early age, and acquired a bouzouki as soon as he was able. At first, he had to hide the instrument at a friend's house and practice in secret, as his father disapproved of the new rembetiko style that had captured his son's interest. He met composer Mikis Theodorakis in 1959 and the two collaborated producing folk songs. Bithikotsis composed over 80 songs, including: Stu Belami to ouzeri and Tou Votanikou o magas. He possessed a rich singing voice with which he performed his own compositions and those of Theodorakis, who frequently chose his friend Grigoris to perform his masterpieces. The two contributed greatly to the then-emerging laika style of Greek music. A leftist, he was exiled to the island of Makronisos in the 1950s during the reign of King Paul. Throughout his life, Bithikotsis performed frequent concerts at numerous venues, including one in Athens upon the occasion of his eightieth birthday. He died in Athens, in 2005, following three months of hospitalization. His funeral was attended by thousands, including representatives of all the Greek political parties.
The steps of life
Folk Bards - Moments of their lives and ours
(Grigoris Bithikotsis)
The Dressmaker
The False
Tired life
Athens by Night
The Harbor Bum
Modern Cinderella
I stole my wife
Angels Without Wings
We without money
Sometimes even the strong cry
The Stupid Face
Those who forgot God
Synoikia to Oneiro
Liar Wanted
Το Κλωτσοσκούφι
Rolled in the mud
Οι χαραμοφάηδες
The Red Lanterns
Grooms Wanted with Dowry
Official sweetheart
The Devastated
The man who returned from pain
Play my sweety bouzouki
I leave with Bitterness in Foreign Countries
It is a great pity