The Found Footage Phenomenon
The Found Footage Phenomenon
The Legacy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Legacy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Legacy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Ring Legacy
Cruel Summer
Cruel Summer
Merry F*cking Christmas: The Making of Tangerine
Cruel Summer
Cruel Summer
Omega Rising: Remembering Joe D'Amato
Generation Terror
Seduction. Betrayal. Murder: The Making of The Grifters
Ænigma - Lucio Fulci and the 80s
Ænigma - Lucio Fulci and the 80s
The Making of Anna and the Apocalypse
The Making of Anna and the Apocalypse
The Making of Anna and the Apocalypse
The Making of Anna and the Apocalypse
Touch of Death: Reflections in a Broken Mirror
Touch of Death: Reflections in a Broken Mirror
In the Name of Ben-Hur
(Epk Director)
In the Name of Ben-Hur
(EPK Editor)
Knight of the Dead
(Camera Operator)
The Quiet Revolution: State, Society and the Canadian Horror Film
The Quiet Revolution: State, Society and the Canadian Horror Film
The Blair Witch Documentary
The Blair Witch Documentary
Generation Terror
Generation Terror
The Found Footage Phenomenon
The Found Footage Phenomenon
Merry F*cking Christmas: The Making of Tangerine
Masters of Mayhem
Masters of Mayhem
Masters of Mayhem
Masters of Mayhem