The Body Will Be Committed to the Ground, And the Senior Warrant Officer Will Sing
The Admirer
(театральный критик Альфред Гной)
Festival of Disobedience
Agitprop Team 'Kill the enemy!'
Banditskiy Peterburg: Baron
(Styopa Markov)
Banditskiy Peterburg: Advokat
(Styopa Markov)
The Last Train
Don't Think About White Monkeys
My Grandmother Fanny Kaplan
(Vladimir Ilyich Lenin)
Red Sky, Black Snow
(Gena Shatrov)
Heart Disease
Whit Monday
(resident of the boarding house)
A Room and a Half
(Dmitry Shostakovich)
Convoy PQ-17
The Golden Calf
(Alexander Koreiko)
Gangster's Petersburg
(Степан Марков)
Stolypin... Unlearned Lessons