The Bride from Vuadil
Prosecutor's Jubilee
This Guy is Back...
Step Right... Step Left...
(Original Music Composer)
New Adventures of Akmal
What are our years!
Gone Into Fog
(Original Music Composer)
Code of Silence
(Original Music Composer)
Dadabai and the Alarm Clock
(Original Music Composer)
Cheated Cheaters
(Original Music Composer)
Rope Dancers
I'll Give You a City
Mingbulak Springs
Code of Silence. On the Dark Side of the Moon
(Original Music Composer)
Кодекс молчания 2. След чёрной рыбы
(Original Music Composer)
(Original Music Composer)
Последний бронепоезд
(Original Music Composer)
Chekhov and Co.