Ulf Kjell Gür is a Swedish theatre producer, singer/musician and filmmaker. Gür was CEO/artistic director of the Gothenburg City Theatre 1992-1995, CEO/artistic director at Sandrews Theatres 1996-1997, Stockholm, producer at the Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm 1997-2002 and producer at the Boulevard Theatre, Stockholm 2002-2006. He has been involved in several international theatre, dance and music productions/festivals. As a singer/musician he was active in Tom Trick 1979-1983 and later a founder member in the European music group Now since 1985.
Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
The Blue Angel
(Executive Producer)
Dagerman: en garage musical
Arthur Janov's Primal Therapy
Arthur Janov's Primal Therapy
Stjärnan i det blå
(Executive Producer)
Arthur Janov's Primal Therapy
Harry & Sonja