Ade Irawan was an Indonesian actress.
Pelangi di Balik Awan
(Ibu Alamsyah)
Akulah Vivian
Giliran Saya Mana
The Independence Pioneers
(Ibu Zaenab)
Puspa Indah Taman Hati
Gejolak Kawula Muda
A Mother's Baby
Between Him and I
Catatan Si Emon
(Ibu Emon)
Sirkuit Kemelut
Hanya Satu Jalan
Live, Love and Tears
Suster N
Young, in Love
Benyamin Spion 025
The Snake Queen's Wedding
(Nyi Roro Kidul)
Queen of the South Coast
(Nyi Roro Kidul)
Incarnation of the Snake Goddess
(Tanti Hendro)
Anita: Female Snakes
Female Imp
Five Deadly Angels
Ungu Violet
(Nenek Budiati)
Jamila and the President
Don't Want to be Alone
(Ibu Tika)
Love Lesson
Defect in the Womb
Screen of Love
The Snake Queen
(Nyi Roro Kidul)
Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
Gadis Penakluk
Shards of Broken Pearl
A Man Called Ahok
Kembali Lagi
Gitar Tua Oma Irama
Berkelana II
Jaka swara
Cinta Segi Tiga
Menggapai Matahari 2
Bayar Tapi Nyicil
Damai Kami Sepanjang Hari
Ateng Sok Aksi
Dr. Karmila
Jangan Ambil Nyawaku
Pengantin Remaja
Treachery of G30S/PKI
(Johanna Sunarti)
Soerabaia 45
Plong (Naik Daun)
Shallots & Garlic