Fantastic Journey to Oz
Fantastic Return to Oz
Ivan Tsarevich & the Grey Wolf 2
Kikoriki: Team Invincible
(Новостник-лис / Ящер-охранник/ Сотрудник министерства маяков)
The Battalion
(Dzhey Bi (voice))
Ostap Bender: The Final Hustle
Тоталитарный роман
Kid-E-Cats and a Sea of Adventures
Sinbad: Pirates of the Seven Storms
(Sindbad (voice))
Dear Passengers
Space Dogs: Tropical Adventure
(jellyfish (voice))
Bender: Gold of the Empire
The Formula Of Water
The Adventures of Peter and Wolf
(Vitya, Petya's Father)
Kikoriki: Pin-Code
(диктор / Мышарик, озвучка)
Catherine the Great
(голштинский офицер)
Моя девочка