Love & Drugs
Edge of Fury
Pity About the Abbey
(Sir Alfred Page)
Le Petomane
Cairo Road
(Maj. Maggoury)
South Pacific
(Cmdr. William Harbison)
Arthur Clears the Air
(Public Health Inspector)
The Satanic Rites of Dracula
They Came from Beyond Space
(Bill Trethowan)
A Challenge for Robin Hood
Sacco & Vanzetti
(Minister Palmer)
The Deadly Bees
Legend of the Werewolf
The Psychopath
(Reinhardt Klermer)
The Old Dark House
(Club Receptionist)
The Kiss of the Vampire
(Police Sergeant)
The Phantom of the Opera
(Sgt. Vickers)
Joey Boy
(Signals officer)
Heavens Above!
(Wilson, Prison Officer)
X the Unknown
(Maj. Cartwright)
High Treason
(Scotland Yard Man)
The Dark Light
Tunes of Glory
(Sergeant (Bridge Hotel))
Two Way Stretch
(Governor Rockhampton Prison)
The Big Frame
(Kenneth Peters)
The Stranglers of Bombay
(Burns (uncredited))
Stage Fright
(Inspector Loomis (uncredited))
Horrors of the Black Museum
(Man in Bookshop)
Night of the Demon
(Hobart's Brother)
The Man with My Face
(Buster Cox)
Chance of a Lifetime
Hell Is a City
(Fingerprint Officer)
Double Bunk
Castle in the Air
The Black Widow
(Dr. Wallace)
The Ugly Duckling
(Sergeant Barnes)
Dick Barton Strikes Back
(Major Henderson)
(Mack (uncredited))
A Gunman Has Escaped
(Eddie Steele)
Four Days
(Hammond Stubbs)
The Three Hostages
(2nd Club Member)
The Spider
Pin Up Girl
(Tommy Dooley)
Four Jills in a Jeep
(Ted Warren)
The Scarlet Blade
(Sgt. Grey)
The Long Haul
(Supt. Macrea)
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
True as a Turtle
(First Officer)
Private Angelo
(Cpl. McCunn)
Doctor Who: The War Machines
(Professor Brett)
Doctor Who: The Macra Terror
Angels One Five
(Station Warrant Officer)
The Wrong Arm of the Law
(Sergeant at Police Station (uncredited))
Doomsday at Eleven
(Assistant Commissioner)
Man About the House
Softly, Softly
George and Mildred
Crown Court
(Det. Insp. Roberts)
Dixon of Dock Green
(Dr. Ingrams)
Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
Rings on Their Fingers
Dr. Finlay's Casebook
The Buccaneers
(Lawyer Fred Knox)
Edward and Mrs Simpson
(Sir John Reith)
The Adventures of Robin Hood
No Hiding Place
Man in a Suitcase
The Expert
(Alan Hartley)
Dawson's Weekly
Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill
The Main Chance
(Chief Supt. Griffin)
Dixon of Dock Green
(Col Ryman)
Dixon of Dock Green
(Mr. Harper)
(Richard Arnold)
The Buccaneers
The Adventures of Robin Hood
(Sir George Woodley)
The Adventures of Robin Hood
(Lt. Howard)
Doctor Who
(Professor Brett)
Robert Montgomery Presents
The Main Chance
(Mr. Justice Fairburn)
The Onedin Line
(Sir Charles Gray)
The Borderers
(Sir John Forster)
Doctor Who