Seven Guys and a Gal
The Story of the Voyages
Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475
(Benedetto Dei)
Filip the Kind
The Great Solitary
(inginer zootehnist)
The Soimaresti Clan
Alarm in the Mountains
Celebrul 702
Alarm in the Delta
Felix and Otilia
(Toader Rațiu)
The Season of Love
The Turquoise Necklace
(Pater Fortunatos)
Yellow Rose
Stefan Luchian
Michael the Brave
(Archduke Maximilian)
Ion: The Lust for the Land, the Lust for Love
(Avrum the Bartender)
With Clean Hands
Săptămâna nebunilor
A Police Inspector Calls
(Alexandru Dincă)
Farewell, Dear Nela!
Operation 'The Bus'
(Willy Cristodul)
No Trespassing
The Extras
The Kidnapping of the Maidens
Călifar's Mill
Merriment Ward
(Rahova Jr.)
Life Like Laughing
(Strike Breaker)
At the Crossroads of Great Storms
(Aga Manu)
Grandpa and Two Young Offenders
(Gogu Pomișor)
Alone Amongst Friends
On My Responsibility
The War of the Princesses
Gloria nu cîntă
Gelozia bat-o vina
Alexandra And The Inferno
(Un general)
Full Sail
(Martin Strickland, alias „Clark Norman”)