Hana Gregorová

Hana Gregorová, born on August 20, 1952, in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, is a Czech actress of Slovak origin. She was the wife of a very Czech actor Radoslav Brzobohatý until his death, with whom she has a son Ondřej. From his first marriage to Jordan's husband Gassan, he has a daughter, Rolu. Hana Gregorová, born on August 20, 1952 in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, is a Czech actress of Slovak origin. She graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. In the nineties, she made a living from business, had a travel agency, a solarium, and took a manicure course. For 30 years she has been the wife of the well-known Czech actor Radoslav Brzobohatý, with whom she has a son, Ondřej. From his first marriage to a Jordanian doctor, Gassan has a daughter. She starred mainly in series and TV movies, in the successful dramas NIGHT RIDERS (1981), The Thousand-Year-Old Bee I., II. (1983) or CARE FULL OF PAIN (1985). Recently, she is quite often cast in series such as Panelák (2008) in the production of TV JOJ, where she played the role of pensioner Jarmila Švehlová, mother Jakub Švehla. At the moment, he is also performing in the Czech-Slovak series Convicted (2009), also broadcast on TV JOJ and TV Barrandov, where the prisoner Jana Lomnická, who was nicknamed Nevada, played a role. Both of these series are a great success for television viewers, due to the high audience. Currently, Hana is the manager and director of the Radek Brzobohatý Theater, which they founded together in 2004. The hot-blooded Hana is one of the most attractive Slovak actresses. She claims to be the perfect wife, even though she hates ironing. He lives with his family in Říčany.


Racha, My Love


Dobrý deň, stará mama

Mŕtve oči


Dětinské hry dospělých

Pavilón šeliem

Po deviatich rokoch



Tajomstvo šťastia

Chuť vody

Neobyčajné všedné dni

Ťaví zadok

Night Riders

Salt & Gold

Výlet do mladosti



Zbojnícky tanec



Netrpezlivosť srdca

Nový systém

Mário a kúzelník

Yetiho stopy

Vietor v starých stromoch



Čierna pani

Cirkus Maximum




Hriech Kataríny Padychovej

Poradila teta Beta

Sokoliarova dcéra

Nedokončená partia

Pohľad do zrkadla

Tetované časom

Špina za nechtami


Pražská terčovnica

Týždeň naopak

Rodinná anamnéza

V tomto meste, v tejto chvíli

Veď sme chlapi!

...a vrátil sa im pokojný spánok

Bola som z olova

Sudca vo vlastnej pasci




And Now You're Dead

Veľká noc

Christmas Wafer

The Millennial Bee


The Assistant


Two Syllables Behind

(režisérka v dabingu)

Očovské pastorále

Této noci v tomto vlaku


Bastardi 2


Plavčík a Vratko

(Charcoal Burner's Wife)

Tábor padlých žien



(umývačka nádobí)


Tanec lásky a smrti

Čisté vody

We love Czechia



(Zorka Stračinová)

Elizabeth's Court

(Terka Belickova)

Hurá na letný byt

Americká tragédia

Jedenáste prikázanie


On the Waves of Adriatic

(babka Vesny)

Šípková Růženka

Pečeme podle hvězd



Tisícročná včela


(Jana 'Nevada' Lomnická)

Milujem Slovensko

Druhý dych

(Gita Kamencová)

Dobre vedieť

Chlapi neplačú

(Oľga Pollnerová)

Cesta životom


Vrabce z Tŕnia


Vzbúrené mesto

Love Lost


Love Lost


(Libuše Drozdová)

Svatby v Benátkách

(Libuše Drozdová)
