Elyse Willems is a member of Funhaus and is married to fellow Funhaus member, James Willems. Born in Toronto, Canada, they met each other through online chatrooms in the early 2000s and later reconnected through Facebook. She can be found in Funhaus content and on James' YouTube and stream channels. She and James have a dog together named Benson.
Ryan’s Bargain Bin: Scumdogs of the BargainVerse
Leavin' Ain't a Crime - A Farewell Love Letter from Funhaus
Haus of Pain
Why We’re Here: 15 Years of Rooster Teeth
Blood Fest
(Selfie Attendee)
Waiting for the Punchline
The Eleven Little Roosters
(Agent Knuckle)
Ryan’s Bargain Bin
RT Life
RT Shorts
Twits and Crits
(Grimo Rudefellow)
Box Peek
Fan Service
Burnie Vlog
On the Spot
(Harvey Hornswoggle (voice))
(Clarity Seven)
Dead Little Roosters
RT Docs
Arizona Circle
Um, Actually...
(Self - Contestant)
Last Laugh