Laco Kraus


Slečna Dušehojivá

(Director of Photography)

Železný človek

(Director of Photography)

Priateľstvá padajúceho lístia

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Sitting on a Branch, Enjoying Myself


Prefíkaná vdova

(Director of Photography)

Ako ostrihať manžela

(Director of Photography)

Jožko Púčik a jeho kariéra

(Director of Photography)

Vydatá slečna Rosita

(Director of Photography)

Modrá ruža

(Director of Photography)

Strecha úniku

(Director of Photography)

Zelená košeľa

(Director of Photography)


(Camera Operator)

Dobrodružstvo pri obžinkoch

(Camera Operator)

Mária Tudorová

(Camera Operator)


(Camera Operator)

Román o base

(Assistant Camera)

Hedda Gablerová

(Camera Operator)


(Camera Operator)

Čaj u pána senátora

(Camera Operator)

Ako klamal jej mužovi

(Camera Operator)

Pozdná láska

(Director of Photography)

Cudzím vstup zakázaný

(Camera Operator)

Čierny gróf

(Director of Photography)

Dobrý skutok

(Director of Photography)

Igor a výmyselníci

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Hviezdy na zemi

(Director of Photography)

Ako si Grétička trochu zdriemla

(Director of Photography)

Hodina úsvitu

(Director of Photography)

Komédia za groš

(Director of Photography)

Šuster, drž sa kopyta!

(Director of Photography)

Mína z Barnhelmu

(Director of Photography)

Predajňa 044

(Director of Photography)

Karol Ketzer

(Director of Photography)

Malvína z Bretónska

(Director of Photography)

Anjel prichádza oknom

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Ako sa Vinco zaťal

(Director of Photography)

Dravý prúd

(Director of Photography)

Omyl doktora Moresiniho

(Camera Operator)

Núraddín Ali a Anísaldžalísa

(Director of Photography)

Klamstvo dočasu – pravda naveky

(Director of Photography)

Koruna lásky a smrti

(Director of Photography)

Láska sesterská

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Mário, zapískaj...!

(Camera Operator)


(Camera Operator)

Vládca Oidipus

(Director of Photography)

Dušičky seniorov

(Director of Photography)

Medvedík pre bračeka

(Director of Photography)

Bendžo kvintet

(Director of Photography)

Dnešný príbeh

(Director of Photography)

Hĺbka ostrosti

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Portrét chlapca

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Spevák Peter

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Eugen Onegin

(Director of Photography)

Svadba Arneho Jurgu

(Director of Photography)

Človek nikdy nevie

(Director of Photography)

Falošný peniaz

(Director of Photography)

Hosť k štedrovečernému stolu

(Director of Photography)

Chlapec z majera

(Director of Photography)

Nečakaná návšteva

(Director of Photography)

Najatý klaun

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Zeleň kráľ

(Director of Photography)

Železné ruky

(Director of Photography)

Blúznenie srdca a rozumu

(Camera Operator)

Krásna múdrosť

(Director of Photography)

Malý pán Friedemann

(Director of Photography)

Najstarší škorec Svätopluk

(Director of Photography)


(Camera Operator)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Dievčatko z predmestia

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Paradajka za rohom

(Director of Photography)

Soľ v tráve

(Director of Photography)

Nedokončená partia

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Obyčajný príbeh

(Director of Photography)

Právo na omyl

(Director of Photography)

V tomto meste, v tejto chvíli

(Director of Photography)

The Southern Mail

(Director of Photography)

Parížsky život

(Director of Photography)

O hlúpej žene

(Director of Photography)

Bola som z olova

(Director of Photography)

Čo sa stalo v malom kine

(Director of Photography)

Ako som nedostal Nobelovu cenu

(Director of Photography)

Hasičský plášť

(Director of Photography)

Zázrak v Alžbetkove

(Director of Photography)

Umenie komédie

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Vraj cholera!

(Director of Photography)

Sleeping Beauty

(Director of Photography)

Cesta na krvavé pole

(Director of Photography)

Minúta rozhodnutia

(Director of Photography)

Výlet do Paríža

(Director of Photography)

Jacobowski a plukovník

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Zlatá rybka

(Director of Photography)

Šťastie zberateľov

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Decko v dome

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Seminárna práca

(Director of Photography)

Staviteľ Solness

(Director of Photography)

Ženské oddelenie

(Director of Photography)

Jaškov sen

(Director of Photography)

Hon na čarodejnice

(Camera Operator)

Eros a Psycha

(Camera Operator)

Výkupné za náčelníka

(Camera Operator)

Výlety v pamäti

(Camera Operator)

O siedmich rokoch

(Director of Photography)

Najkrajší kvet

(Director of Photography)

Švédska zápalka

(Director of Photography)

Drahý strýčko

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Mali ste mi to povedať

(Director of Photography)

Dvadsaťštyri hodín zo života istej ženy

(Director of Photography)

Bankinghouse Khuwich and Comp.

(Director of Photography)

Stilmondský Starosta

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Ideálny manžel

(Director of Photography)

Kráľovna noci v kamennom mori

(Director of Photography)

Kým rieky vyschnú...

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Amonina pomsta

(Director of Photography)


(Camera Operator)

Tam je hviezda Sírius

(Director of Photography)

Vzbúrené mesto

(Director of Photography)

Zrod divadla


Zrod divadla

(Director of Photography)

Zrod divadla


Len rieka nestarne


Len rieka nestarne


Profesor Bernhardi

(Director of Photography)

Straty a nálezy

(Director of Photography)

Americká tragédia

(Director of Photography)

Najkrajšie roky života

(Director of Photography)

Mŕtve duše

(Director of Photography)

Výmysly uja Elektróna

(Director of Photography)

Útek zo zlatej krajiny

(Director of Photography)

Starožitné zrkadlo

(Director of Photography)

Rozprávky pätnástich sestier

(Director of Photography)

Národný hriešnik

(Director of Photography)

Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá

(Director of Photography)

Hráč na vlastnú päsť

(Director of Photography)

Don Carlos

(Director of Photography)

Cesta životom

(Director of Photography)

Stretnutie pod starou píniou

(Director of Photography)

Vrabce z Tŕnia

(Director of Photography)

Rozprávanie kvetu kamélie

(Director of Photography)

Zrod divadla


Len rieka nestarne
