Kateřina Ondřejková


Tomáš Klus – RecyKlus Tour

(Creative Producer)

Monkey Business v ostravském Brickhousu

(Creative Producer)

V hlavní roli trubka

(Creative Producer)

Mirai – Turné 2021

(Creative Producer)

Grand Prix

(Creative Producer)

All Ends Well

(Creative Producer)

K poctě Davida Stypky

(Creative Producer)

The Modrý Case

(Creative Producer)

Praise Me!

(Creative Producer)

Slavné jazzové spirituály

(Creative Producer)

Semjon Byčkov

(Creative Producer)

Semjon Byčkov


Bezúčelná procházka Jiřího Barty


Hamsa, já jsem


Poslední aristokratka

(Creative Producer)

The Teacher


Kateřina Marie Tichá & Bandjeez

(Creative Producer)

The Quartette


Black and White in Colour


Nowhere in Moravia


Sarcophagus for a Queen




Homo Academicus – Josef Jařab

(Creative Producer)

My Freedom

(Creative Producer)


(Creative Producer)

The Bohemian

(Creative Producer)

Watchmakerʼs Apprentice


Let There Be Light

(Creative Producer)

Watchmakerʼs Apprentice



(Creative Producer)

Špinarka (divadelní záznam)


The Three Princesses

(Creative Producer)

The Three Princesses




Zkáza Dejvického divadla


Zkáza Dejvického divadla

(Creative Producer)

Strážmajster Topinka



(Creative Producer)



Průvodce výtvarným územím

(Creative Producer)

Taneční pro starší a pokročilé se Zdeňkem Chlopčíkem

(Creative Producer)

The Informant

(Creative Producer)

Stíny v mlze


Stíny v mlze

(Creative Producer)

The Informant
