
Roberto Perpignani


Last Tango in Paris


The Lark Farm


Marianna Ucrìa


The Postman


This Is the Night


Il caso Moro


The Grand Duel




Execution Squad


Man, Pride and Vengeance


The Voyeur


Luisa Sanfelice


Field of Blood


Leap Into the Void


Love and Anger




Johnny Colt


Wondrous Boccaccio


1931: Once Upon a Time in New York


Le seduzioni


The Good Soldier


Before the Revolution


The Divine Nymph




No One Can Judge Me




Leonora addio


The Two Seasons of Life


With Closed Eyes


Shadows Unseen


Il Volo




Monna Lisa


Outside Lives


You'll See Me Returning


Sweet Dreams


Men or Not Men


The Suspect


The Spider's Stratagem


Brothers Blue


Footprints on the Moon


A Simple Heart


That Splendid November


Notes for a Film on Jazz


Il pranzo onirico


My Dearest Son


Don Juan in Sicily


Padre Padrone


St. Michael Had a Rooster


Caesar Must Die


Mother's Heart


The Gambler Who Wouldn't Die


The Englishman's Papers


A Long Ride from Hell


The Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha-Ha


Operation Autumn




Mussolini and I


Behind Love and Anger


A Estrangeira


Night Sun


China Is Near




Elective Affinities


Bosco d'amore


The Night of the Shooting Stars


A Rose in Winter


The Trial

(Assistant Editor)

Henry's Back Room


Transplantation, Consumption and Death of Franco Brocani




The Domain


Private Vices, Public Virtues




Muhammad: The Messenger of God


The Meadow


Unguided Tour


Torre Bela


The Great Kidnapping


Elective Affinities


Dancing at the Blue Iguana


Woman in the Moon


Rainbow: A Private Affair


Io con te non ci sto più


Hidden Love




Laboratorio teatrale di Luca Ronconi


In the Land of Don Quixote


The Istambul Train
