The Little Mermaid
Forget About This Case
A Real Man
Na druhom brehu sloboda
Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault
(General Ratko Gravic)
The Weddings of Ioan Assen
Dawn Over the Drava
(Lieutenant Ganchovski)
Captive Flock
A Dog in a Drawer
Liberty or Death
Echelons of Death
(Apothecary Sami)
Run... I Love You
Mr. Nobody
There Is Nothing Finer Than Bad Weather
Where Are You Going?
(Dr. Alexiev)
Wrathful Journey
To Eat the Apple
Between the Rails
The Stolen Train
(Kapitan Cherkezov)
Der Revolver des Corporals
A Difficult Love
(Ekaterina's husband)
The Horseman
Васко да Гама от село Рупча
(Антон - боцман на кораба)