Aghniny Haque (born March 8, 1997) is an Indonesian film actress and was a taekwondo athlete. She finally debuted as an actor when she was cast in 'Wiro Sableng: Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212' (2018) as Rara Murni.
(The Female Dancer)
Kajiman: Iblis Terkejam Penagih Janji
Harlot's Prayer
Night of Hell
Blueprint: The Making of Mencuri Raden Saleh
The Corpse Washer
KKN: Curse of the Dancing Village - Luwih Dowo, Luwih Medeni
Panji Tengkorak
(Gantari (voice))
Wiro Sableng: 212 Warrior
(Rara Murni)
Wedding Agreement
Habibie & Ainun 3
KKN: Curse of the Dancing Village
Generasi 90an: Melankolia
Revisiting Hope
Taufiq: Lelaki Yang Menantang Badai
(Megawati Soekarnoputri)
Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
(Polisi Srikandi)
Stealing Raden Saleh
Ben & Jody
Selepas Tahlil
Tukar Tambah Nasib
Ritual the Series
Red Zone