Mushroom Rain
Snow in July
Born by the Storm
Guest from the Future
(Alla Sergeyevna, uchitel'nitsa angliyskogo yazyka)
(costume designer)
Until the Thunder Strikes
(Nadezhda Voronina)
No Crying
Lingonberries in the Forest
(Ksenia in her youth)
Hoffmann's Fairy Tales
(Masha Serveevna)
Could One Imagine?
Core of the World
Lev Tolstoy
(Aleksandra Lyvovna)
Farewell of a Slav Woman
Carmen Horrendum
Что у Сеньки было
Facts of the Past Day
The Uninvited Friend
Love You. Waiting. Lena
(Lyuska - odnoklassnitsa)
An Outrageous Woman
VGIK: Teachers and Students Talk About the Profession
Penultimate Instance
(Svetlana Marina (Maksim's mother))
The Cyberfarm
(мама Барагозина)
Anna Karenina
Guest from the Future
(Alla Sergeevna - uchitelnitsa angliyskogo yazyka)
(атаманша Софья Николаевна Тульчинская)