is an American professional wrestler. Trainer Azrieal KC Blade EC Negro Debut May 2004 Finishing and signature moves Burning Snicklefritz Shiney Hiney Moonsault Figure Four Leglock Dragon Screw Leg Whip Front Guillotine DDT Ace Crusher
Jersey All Pro Wrestling Presents 20th Anniversary Show
(Pinkie Sanchez)
GCW Joey Janela's Spring Break 3: Part 2
GCW Crime Wave
(Pinkie Sanchez)
GCW Beg for Mercy
GCW Crushed Up
EVOLVE 10 - A Tribute To The Arena
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA Colony Collapse
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA A Touch of Class
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA The Mint Condition
(Pinkie Sanchez)
(Pinkie Sanchez)
GCW Tournament Of Survival 4
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CZW: Tournament of Death VII
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Bar Wrestling 3: Bar Of Hardcore
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Bar Wrestling 6: Head Of Household
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Bar Wrestling
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA The Dark Ciberknetico
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Uprising 2012
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Fearless 2012
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Untouchable 2012
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Enter The Dragon 2011: Second Anniversary Celebration
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Bushido 2011: Code of the Warrior
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA: A New Start
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA REVOLT! 2011
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Untouchable 2011
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA Through Savage Progress Cuts the Jungle Line
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA United: Finale
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Heat
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Way of the Ronin 2011
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Dragon Gate USA Uprising 2011
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA The Germans
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA If the Airplane is Snowed in, Put your Bloody Skis on and Get Going!
(Pinkie Sanchez)
CHIKARA Faded Scars and Lines
(Pinkie Sanchez)
Chikara Top Banana
(Pinkie Sanchez)