Risk Strategy
Under the Burning Sun
I wasn't Beautiful then
In a Southern Town
My Seven Sons
The Last Mountain Pass
The Golden Goose
I Compose a Song
Golden Precipice
Sound of the Pipe
Saddle these Horses
Don't Be Afraid, I'm with You
(Mardan's Father)
The Mother in Law
If Not This, Then That
The Stab in the Back
Real Friend
The Bay of Happiness
The Devil under the Windshield
Xatirələr Sahili
Why do You Remain Silent?
The Joke
I Want to Get Married
Wait for the Signal from the Sea
In Front of a Closed Door
Garib in the Land of Jinn
The Man of the House
If We're Together
Wait for Me
An Old Ferry
The Music Teacher
How the Song is Composed
I Want to Understand
The First Hour of Life
Çarvadarların izi ilə
The Native Shores
(Old Man)
Broken Bridges
Şəhərli Biçinçilər
Overthrow According to Plan 107