An Egyptian actress, who made her debut in the series The Godfather (2017). In the same year, she appeared in several other series, such as Cuffs, and The President's Shadow. Her later work includes Forgetfulness Game, and Watch Out for Zizi.
My Bride
Face to Face
The Shanabs
Playing with the Kids
A Few Hours in One Day
Shams El Zanaty
What's wrong with it?
Hepta (The Last Debate)
(رجاء - ممرضة)
The Black Box
El Hareth
The Inevitable Journey to Find a Wedding Dress
If The Cat is Absent
Sons of Rizk 3
Al-Harifa 2: Remontada
(ضيف شرف)
untitleled Wegz Movie
Half crazy
Take Care of Zizi
Like It Was Yesterday
Ramez Never End
The President's Shadow
Berry Leaves
The Sun Will Never Set
Eagle of Upper Egypt
Al Waseya
Forgetfulness Game
El Harsha El Sab'a
House Duties
El Kebeer Awi
Lucifer's Kingdom
The Magician's Show
Girls' Tales
(ميسون بنت بحدل الكلبية (زوجة معاوية))