Как веревочка ни вьётся
Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character
Next to us
Driver Involuntarily
(посетитель столовой)
The Star
(German (uncredited))
The Death of Pazukin
Lady with the Dog
(продавец собачки Фру-фру)
Twelfth Night
Little Hare
(драматург Патрончиков)
Musicians of the Same Regiment
Three Fat Men
(Master of ceremonies)
Street Is Full of Surprises
(drunken hooligan (uncredited))
In the Town of S.
(человек в футляре)
The Overcoat
Adventures of Korzinkina
Rainbow Formula
Wedding in Malinovka
(житель карпатского села)
A Hard Day's Monday
While Defending the Front Line
(military interpreter)
Cheka Employee
(wounded in the hospital)
Quiet Flows the Don
(officer (uncredited))
12 graves of Khoja Nasreddin
(Petr Ivanovich - sumasshedshyy)
(church chorister)
At the Beginning of the Century
(Artemiy Kozelkov)
Old Man Khottabych
(гражданин в телефонной будке)
Василий Докучаев