Dark Eyes
Prishvin's Paper Eyes
Russian Symphony
Dead Man's Letters
Woodpeckers Don't Get Headaches
Gogol. The Beginning
Gogol. Viy
Gogol. A Terrible Vengeance
Experiencing the delirium of love's charm
My Friend Ivan Lapshin
Believe It or Not
Evil Spirit
(Zhena chinovnika)
The Wheel of Love
(Prodavshchitsa na rynke)
Cold Souls
The Man With the Accordion
(кондуктор трамвая (в титрах не указана))
Wild Gavrila
Mama — Saint Sebastian
Errors of Youth
Three Lemons For Loved One
(тётя Глаша)
Walruses Are Swimming
Five for Summer
(мама Саши)
Through the Fire
Empire is Under Attack
(Mama Viktora «Shplinta»)
Suspended Cop
Сержант милиции
(Нюша - почтальон)