Yury Martynov


Liberation: The Fire Bulge

(Gromov's adjutant)

Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog

Executor of the Sentence

Diamonds for Mariya

(Глеб Игнатьевич мастер)

Shot In The Back

(Виктор, сотрудник угрозыска)

Earthy Love

(член бюро райкома)

Lady Into Lassie

(Pavel Alekseevich upravleniye)

The Black Triangle

(милиционер (нет в титрах))

Сдаётся квартира с ребёнком

(Кузовлев участковый)

Dust Under the Sun

(Сергей Николаевич Эрети командир Курского бронедивизиона)

From Spring to Summer

(капитан 1-го ранга)

Russian Roulette

(капитан милиции)

Trips on an Old Car

(начальник футбольной команды)

Trips on an Old Car


Liberation: The Break Through

(Gromov's Adjutant)

Трое на шоссе

Tsar Ivan the Terrible

A Cruel Romance



((as Yu. Martinov))

It Happened in Penkovo


Story of a Human Heart

Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Wedding

The Twenty Six Comissars

(Ivan Gabyshev (as Yu. Martinov))

Black Prince


Via Gobi and Khingan

(Ranenyy v telnyashke)

Listen, on the other side



They Were Nineteen Years Old

(Vasil Ivanenko)



They Were Actors

(член военного трибунала)

I'm Staying with You


A Special Unit


Not Under the Jurisdiction

(flight engineer)

The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers


Wild Honey

(german prisoner)



People's Khatanbaatar


Pyotr Martynovich And The Years Of Great Life

Met By...

Time to Fly

(пассажир в буфете (нет в титрах))