Jacob Forman

Jacob Forman (born January 20, 2002) is a filmmaker from Louisville, KY.


Upright Knife


Upright Knife


Upright Knife


As it Fades


As it Fades


As it Fades





(Director of Photography)



My Blade is Fury


My Blade is Fury


My Blade is Fury

(Sound Editor)

My Blade is Fury

(Director of Photography)

My Blade is Fury


My Blade is Fury










No Witnesses!


No Witnesses!


The Difficulties of Being an Interpretive Dancer in the Year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2020 AD


The Difficulties of Being an Interpretive Dancer in the Year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2020 AD


I Love Sandwiches! Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Say Goodbye Horses


I Love Sandwiches! Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Say Goodbye Horses


The Difficulties of Being an Interpretive Dancer in the Year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2020 AD


The Circus


I Love Sandwiches! Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Say Goodbye Horses


The Circus

(Director of Photography)

The Difficulties of Being an Interpretive Dancer in the Year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2020 AD


No Witnesses!


a boy and his pet cat


a boy and his pet cat


a boy and his pet cat

(Director of Photography)

a boy and his pet cat


The Tree Bark Romance


The Tree Bark Romance

(Director of Photography)

The Tree Bark Romance
