Edith Carlmar (Edith Mary Johanne Mathiesen) (15 November 1911 – 17 May 2003) was an Norwegian actress and Norway's first female film director.
Calling Out For You
(Fru Gulliksen)
Edith Carlmar - bedre enn sitt rykte
(Gammel dame)
Fools in the Mountains
(Matron (uncredited))
Lethal Lies
(Tom's Grandmother)
The Disappearance of a Young Wife
(En kunde på apoteket)
The Mysterious Apartment
(1. kontordame)
Gåten Knut Hamsun
The Olsen Gang meets The King and the Jackal
The Dangers in a Fisherman's Life
Better Than Their Reputation
Nothing but Troubles
Fools in the Mountains
The Wayward Girl
Lend Me Your Wife
Death Is a Caress
Slalåm under himmelen
The Disappearance of a Young Wife
On the Sunny Side
Nothing but Troubles
The Mysterious Apartment
(Production Supervisor)
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