Mark Pirro is an American independent filmmaker known for his ultra-low-budget comedies. He gained recognition with A Polish Vampire in Burbank (1983), produced for $2,500 and grossing over a million dollars through home video and cable distribution. Pirro's work is characterized by satirical humor and inventive storytelling, often achieved with minimal resources.
Deathrow Gameshow
Nudist Colony of the Dead
Nudist Colony of the Dead
My Mom's a Werewolf
Twilight Cameraman
Twilight Cameraman
(Camera Operator)
The Deceased Won't Desist!
The Deceased Won't Desist!
The Deceased Won't Desist!
The Deceased Won't Desist!
A Polish Vampire in Burbank
Suburban Swingers Club
(Visual Effects)
Curse of the Queerwolf
The Spy Who Did It Better
The Spy Who Did It Better
The Spy Who Did It Better
The God Complex
The God Complex
The God Complex
(Visual Effects)
The God Complex
The God Complex
Buford's Beach Bunnies
Buford's Beach Bunnies
Buford's Beach Bunnies
Curse of the Queerwolf
Curse of the Queerwolf
Alien Siege
Celluloid Soul
Celluloid Soul
Rage of Innocence
A Polish Vampire in Burbank
Rage of Innocence
Celluloid Soul
Rage of Innocence
Rage of Innocence
A Polish Vampire in Burbank
Deathrow Gameshow
(Executive Producer)
Deathrow Gameshow