Tuvia Tzafir (born December 31, 1945) is an Israeli actor, comedian, television presenter, singer and entertainer
Halfon Hill Doesn't Answer
(Capt. Shamgar)
Charlie And A Half
Festival At The Poolroom
The Troupe
Beautiful Troubles
Marriage Tel Aviv Style
(Avigdor Pumerantz)
The Jungle Book The Musical
Pim Pam Here
(Pim Pam)
The Plumber
(פנחס שיין)
סיפורי התנך - עם סבא טוביה
(סבא טוביה)
Festigal: The children's choice
The Jungle Book The Musical - Remake
Hero of the Jungle
Motek Shel Pestival 9 Yotzim Laderech
Madam Yankelova's Fine Literature Club
The Songs the Games
סיפורים לשעת לילה מאוחרת