Hans-Jürgen Syberberg

Hans-Jürgen Syberberg is a German film director and intellectual. For Syberberg, cinema is a form of Gesamtkunstwerk. Many commentators, including Syberberg himself, have characterized his work as a cinematic combination of Bertolt Brecht's doctrine of epic theatre and Richard Wagner's operatic aesthetics. Syberberg's work has attracted criticism at least since the publication of the film script of Hitler: A Film from Germany, particularly from the Left, who were amongst many targets of his criticism in that book.


Hitler: A Film from Germany


Hitler: A Film from Germany


Nietzsche: Ecce Homo


Nietzsche: Ecce Homo


Scarabea – How Much Land Does a Man Need?




Ludwig – Requiem for a Virgin King


Ludwig – Requiem for a Virgin King


Fünfter Akt, siebente Szene. Fritz Kortner probt Kabale und Liebe


Theodor Hierneis oder Wie man ehem. Hofkoch wird


The Night


The Confessions of Winifred Wagner


Romy: Anatomy of a Face


Sex-Business: Made in Pasing


Demmin Cantos


Demmin Cantos


Demmin Cantos


Fräulein Else


San Domingo


Mozart Requiem mit dem Finger gelesen


Der Gang auf den Berg


Sex-Business: Made in Pasing


Sex-Business: Made in Pasing




Ludwig – Requiem for a Virgin King


Die Grafen Pocci - einige Kapitel zur Geschichte einer Familie


Nach meinem letzten Umzug...


Wilhelm von Kobell


Scarabea – How Much Land Does a Man Need?


Scarabea – How Much Land Does a Man Need?


Edith Clever liest Joyce


Romy: Anatomy of a Face


Fünfter Akt, siebente Szene. Fritz Kortner probt Kabale und Liebe


The Marquise of O.


A Dream, What Else?


Fritz Kortner spricht Monologe für eine Schallplatte


Theodor Hierneis oder Wie man ehem. Hofkoch wird


Theodor Hierneis oder Wie man ehem. Hofkoch wird


Karl May
