Rahat Rahman is a filmmaker from Bangladesh, currently living in Canada. in 2016 he was selected as a director fellow in the prestigious Asian Film Academy 2016 held in Busan, South Korea and as part of the program, in a group collaboration with three other directors made the short film "hello uncle!" in 2018, he wrote and directed the segment "Jibon's Gun" in the First Bangladeshi Anthology Film "Sincerely Yours, Dhaka" which had its world premiere at Busan International Film Festival in the same year and has since been screened and awarded at various film festivals all over the world. The film was chosen as Bangladesh's official submission for the best foreign language film award at The Oscars 2021. He is currently pursuing a Film Production diploma at Confederation College in Thunder Bay, Canada.
The Phaneron
The Phaneron
Madness of Madeline
Madness of Madeline
Strict Shift
Strict Shift
Monkey Bizness
Monkey Bizness
Monkey Bizness
The Phaneron
The Phaneron
Sincerely Yours, Dhaka
Sincerely Yours, Dhaka
Team Possible
Team Possible
Team Possible