(Director of Photography)
Kapitalism: Our Improved Formula
Man and Dog
(Director of Photography)
Apocalypse on Wheels
The Great Communist Bank Robbery
The Great Communist Bank Robbery
Cold Waves
Tarzan's testicles
(Additional Camera)
Whose Dog Am I?
Apocalypse on Wheels
Omul cu o mie de ochi
My Beautiful Dacia
Journey Around the Home in 60 Days
(Camera Operator)
Shriek into the Eardrum
2 x 5
Trading Germans
Trading Germans
Tarzan's testicles
The Chameleon
The Chameleon
Arsenie. An Amazing Afterlife
Arsenie. An Amazing Afterlife
Tarzan's testicles
The Pharaoh
Journey Around the Home in 60 Days
Look Ahead with Anger
(Director of Photography)
Cameras Do Not Record Such Things