Shoji Nakazawa, better known by the ring name Michael Nakazawa is a Japanese professional wrestler, best known for his work in DDT Pro-Wrestling (DDT). He also appeared sporadically for Big Japan Pro Wrestling, Kaientai Dojo. Nakazawa studied in the United States and is a fluent speaker of English. He often acted as an interpreter for English-speaking foreign wrestlers in Japan and through this relationship he met Kenny Omega, with whom he has shared a ring with, both as an opponent and as a tag team partner. He currently works for the All Elite Wrestling (AEW) promotion.
ROH: Tag Wars
(Michael Nakazawa)
AEW Full Gear
(Michael Nakazawa)
AEW Full Gear
(Michael Nakazawa)
AEW Double or Nothing: The Buy In
(Michael Nakazawa)
AEW Fyter Fest: The Buy-In
(Michael Nakazawa)
CEOxNJPW When Worlds Collide
Budokan Peter Pan: DDT 15th Anniversary
AAA Triplemania XXVIII
(Michael Nakazawa)
DDT Ryōgoku Peter Pan 2018: Fall Pro-Wrestling Cultural Festival
(Michael Nakazawa)
AEW Road Rager
(Michael Nakazawa)
AEW Dark: Elevation
(Michael Nakazawa)
All Elite Wrestling: Rampage
(Michael Nakazawa)
Being The Elite
(Michael Nakzawa)
AEW Dark
All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite
(Micheal Nakazawa)
AEW Dark
(MT Nakazawa)
All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite
(Michael Nakazawa)
AEW Dark
(Michael Nakazawa)