Born in Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR, in the family of director Yuriy Moroz and actress Marina Levtova (1959-2000). Dasha’s fate was predetermined when her mother, actress Marina Levtova, brought her two-month-old daughter to the set, where director Dinara Asanova directed the film “Darling, dear, beloved, unique”. An agreement was written in the name of Dasha, which stated that the salary of Daria Moroz was 80 rubles a month. At 16, she played a major role in George Danelia's film "Fortune." In 2003 she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (the course of Roman Kozak and Dmitry Brusnikin) and was accepted into the troupe of the Art Theater. He also plays on the stage of the Oleg Tabakov Theater. In 2005 she graduated from the production department of the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (workshop of Vladilen Arsenyev). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2018).
Get Ready, Off To The Feast
Сказка о женщине и мужчине
Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique...
Six Degrees of Celebration 8
(Glasha’s mother)
A Savage
Athenian Nights
The House of Sun
Dopolnitelnoe Vremya
The Spot
Vzroslye Lyudi
Live and Remember
Black Square
The Conductor
Steel Butterfly
Fairy Tale. There Is
(кукла Барби)
The Fool
(Dima's wife)
Vasilisa and the Queen of Likes
The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Pioneer Heroes
Naninskiy Landscape
We Are Only Dreaming
Красный лёд. Сага о хантах
Идеальная пара
The Stars Have Aligned
Год, когда я не родился
(Iskra Sudakova)
Middle Age Crisis
The Day Before
(Вера Турицына (мама Мишки и Насти))
Happiness Is... Part 2
Russian Ragtime
(Doch ottsa Mishi)
The Family Man
Dolphin Jump
Pelagia and The White Bulldog
(Людмила Платоновна)
Чёрные волки
(Лидия Истомина)
Multiplying Sadness
Долгий путь домой
(Член жюри)
(Анечка Титова (портниха))
The Crime
(Александра Москвина)
Чужая кровь
Sex. Before and After
By the Way
Дом с лилиями
A Farewell Echo
Women in a Game Without Rules
(Маша Передреева)
Russian Affairs
(Elena Shirokova)
Wanna Be Happy?
(Alena Lipnitskaya)
Living Life