The Morning Star
My Tender and Affectionate Beast
The Gypsy Camp Vanishes Into the Blue
(Loiko Zobar)
Agent of the Secret Service
(Stefan Rotar)
Maria and Mirabella in Transistorland
(King of Tranzistoria)
Night Over Chile
(Manuel Valdivia)
(Radu Negostin (as Grigori Grigoriu))
Anton the Magician
The Strange Man
The Red Meadows
(Savva Milciu)
На Гранатовых островах
I Want to See You
The Valley Resounds
Ginger Fairy
(The Woodsman)
Where Are You, My Love?
Anna Pavlova
Land, Poste Restante
At the Devil's Lair
Taste of Bread
Ten Winters in One Summer
The Last Hajduk
Find A Horseshoe For Luck
Reserve Officer
The Brothers Karamazov
The Steepness
(Cesare Martini)