Gediminas Girdvainis (January 19, 1944 - June 2, 2020) was a Lithuanian actor.
Ice Kiss
Unicorn Hunt
The End of Eternity
(Mallanson / Cooper)
Moon Rainbow
The Year of the Dog
Attack On The Secret Police
(Ziedyn - traitor)
Akmuo ant akmens
Markizas ir piemenaitė
Merry Stories
The Devil's Bride
The Bug Trainer
(Wladyslaw Starewicz)
Lunar Lithuania
A Small Confession
Smoke and Shorty
Serdtsa Tryokh
Rich Man, Poor Man...
Gruz Bez Markirovki
(стюард («Раджа»))
All Truth About Columbus
Lucky Unlucky Man
The Beauty
Petras Kurmelis
This Fantastic World 8
(Screaming Man)
Smile Upon Us, Lord
(Avneris Rozentalis)
A Strong Feeling
It Also Snows in Paradise
(Ligoninės daktaras)
The Private Life of Santa Claus
Northern Crusades
(Johanesas, jo tarnas)
Playing Without Trump Cards
The Face in the Target
Unfamiliar Case
Ask the Dead About the Price of Death
State Border: Vol. 7. Salty Wind
Attempt on GOELRO
Руины стреляют...
Adventures of Kalle the Detective
(Uncle Einar)
Ave, Vita
(TV reporter)
Men Summer
Walnut Bread
(jo tėvas Julius)
Fairfax's Millions
Love For Your Neighbor
(второй джентельмен)
Flight Over the Atlantic
Autumn is Coming to the Woods
Lost Farmland
The Life of Beethoven
Сердца трёх
State Border
Juodosios našlės
Giminės ir...
Mano mylimas prieše