What the Hell Do You Want?
The Wizard of Oz
The Return of Musketeers or the Treasure of Cardinal Mazarini
The Secret of Queen Anna or Musketeers 30 Years Later
Suddenly the Magician Will Arrive
Assassin of the Tsar
A Trap for Lonely Man
(Maximin, the false cure)
Середина жизни
Musketeers 20 Years Later
Aeterna: Part One
(Valter Pridd)
The Story of the Voyages
(Don Quixote)
Please Accuse Klava K. of My Death
(Uncle Seva)
Smoke and Shorty
Monsieur Lenoir, who...
Touches on the V. I. Lenin's Portrait
Mafia: Survival Game
(Luka Sergeevich)
Prodavets igrushek
Breakfast with a View to the Elbrus Mountains
The Key
Late Child
Seven Screams Across the Sea
The Idiot
(Benzhamen Borever)
Margarita's Worlds
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Elsa's Land
Iran Conference
A Room and a Half
(Narrator (voice))
Adventures of Captain Vrungel
(admiral (voice))
(Ilya Nikolaevich Orlov)
Evening Urgant
D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers
Adventures of Captain Vrungel
(admiral/radio announcer/reporter (voice))
To Remember
Musketeers Twenty Years Later
The Return of Musketeers or the Treasure of Cardinal Mazarini
Казанова в России. Тайная миссия
The Bones
(Виталий Дейкевич)