Since 1965 - actor at the Tajikfilm film studio. In 1975 he graduated from the directing department of VGIK (workshop of Igor Talankin and Efim Dzigan). His directorial debut was the film "Golden Arrow", which received the prize of the All-Union Sports Film Festival in Frunze "For the best directorial debut"). In the second half of the 1980s, he was an actor at the Dushanbe Russian Theater. In 1991-2004 - at the Magnitogorsk Drama Theater. Since 2016 at the Sevastopol Russian Drama Theater. A. Lunacharsky. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).
While There is Time
Sometimes You Remember
Main Day
Look with Fun
Queen's Personal Life
Reluctant Killer
Midnight Blues
The Last Warrior
The Extra Arrives on the Second Path
(капитан Курбанов)
Doublet Shooting
And Happiness is Nearby
Today and Always
Habib the Lord of Snakes
And in Our Yard...
(Maksud Maksudovich)
Look with Fun
(Bagdadskiy vor)