Peace to the Huts, War to the Palaces
Red Chernozem
Товарищ генерал
Надежда и опора
Old Songs about the Main Thing 2
Белая гвардия
Импровизация на тему биографии
We Cannot Predict...
Полевая гвардия Мозжухина
Without A Uniform
Taxi Blues
(Old Nechiporenko)
Classic's Head
The Boys
Ballad of a Soldier
Operation "Lucifer"
The Cold Summer of 1953
(Fadeich, chief of landing place)
Flying Dutchman
Shukshin's Stories
(тесть ( Другая жизнь, фильм №3 ))
No Path Through Fire
The Wedding
(Mishka's Grandfather)
The Fatal Eggs
Mark Twain Against...
Eastern Corridor
Adventures of Krosh
Life is full of fun
(Василий Ефимович)
Don't Play the Fool...
(General of FSB)
The Master and Margarita
(Andrey Fokich Sokov)
(Valentin Petrovich Tyapkin)
Za posledney chertoy
The Youth of Peter
About Businessman Foma
The Only Road
The Road to 'Saturn'
The End of 'Saturn'
The Commander of the Lucky 'Pike'
(midshipman Nosov)
Batallions Ask for Fire
(Maj. Bulbanuk)
Anna Firling's Roads
Ice Goes Into the Ocean
The Polynin Case
The Kremlin Chimes
The Cabal of Hypocrites
Poem About the Ax
My Destiny
(Герман Вячеславович Ковалёв)
Meeting Before Separation
Заседание парткома
(Сан Саныч Зюбин (прораб))
The First Lad
A Small Giant of Big Sex
(начальник 1-го отдела)
Веселі Жабокричі
(Soldier Petro)
Lev Tolstoy
Third Time
(Kirill Zaitsev)
The Black Hen, or Living Underground
Asleep Passenger
Taiga Story
Arithmetic of a Murder
One Times One
Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Wedding
Море в огне
Time, Forward!
First Cavalry
Roll call
Stove Builders
The Fight in the Taiga
Поездка через город
Jump at Dawn
The Love of Mankind
(Rastorguev, foremaster)
According to 206...
(председатель колхоза)
Lyube Zone
In a Hard Hour
(Павел Паначук)
A Lucky Man
Harsh Kilometers
New Adventures of a Yankee in King Arthur's Court
The Legend of Till
(Simon Praet)
Close Afar
Parade of the Planets
(supply manager)
Still Waters are Deep
Summer is Short in the Mountains
Thunderstorm Over Belaya
Our Friends
An Essay on Victory Day
So We Will Win!
The Zavyalov Weirdos
(Тимофей (роман «Билетик на второй сеанс»))
Russia Is Young
(Тимофей Кочнев)
Chekhov and Co.
(Пётр Петрович)
Chekhov and Co.
(Максим Угрюмов)
Chekhov and Co.
(кучер Антип)
Chekhov and Co.
(Пётр Николаевич)
Shukshin's Stories