An Egyptian actor, whose full name (Amin Abdel Hamid Amin Mohamed Mohamed El Henedy) was born in 1925.He joined Shubra Secondary School, joined the school representation team, then joined the Faculty of Arts and also participated in the representation team in the faculty, but left the Faculty of Arts to join the Faculty of Law. He eventually decided to join the Higher Institute of Physical Education in Alexandria and graduated in 1949.He was appointed as a teacher of physical education.He started acting for the first time at Rihani Theater in 1939 when he was still a student.After graduating, he worked with the famous artist Mohamed Ahmed Al-Masri in Abu Lamaa and formed a theater group. Egyptian club in Sudan In 1954, he participated in the program "Hour for Your Heart" on the radio in the character of Flao, and he also worked in the salute band Carioca, he participated in many works until the mid-eighties, including the most prominent films (Gram in Karnak, Bag Hamza, Shark), but his artistic imprint remained more prominent In the theater, one of his most famous plays (Loukenda El Ferdous, Abboud Abdu Abboud, 30 chickens and cock, very happy family). He died in 1986 after a struggle with cancer.
(Abdul Ghaffar Abu Mansour)
The Bravest Man in the World
We're the Paramedics
The gentle, the gallant, and the greedy
(Wajeh Al-Baramiti)
Al Saqayen Lane
Ghazeya Min Sonbat
Nashal raghm anfuh
(Sayed ElKhafif)
العريس وأنا
مسرحية 20 فرخة وديك
A Bird on the Road
Love in Karnak
Honeymoon without hassle
(Ismail Omran اسماعيل عمران)
7 Days in Heaven
(Uncle Amin/ Ahmed El Tanbashawy)
Ehtaressy Min El Regal ya Mama
(عبدالله السلاموني)
The Train
6 بنات وعريس
شوقي بيه عريس
The Three Liars
أجمل لقاء فى العالم
El Hedek Yefham
Me, My Wife and My Lover
A wife from Paris
(الشيخ حوّاش الدجال)
Shabab Magnoun Geddan
(Youssef Abu Medhat يوسف أبو مدحت)
Extremely Happy Family
Eldenyaa Ma2loobaa
Lokanda Alfardos
(عبدالمتجلي سليط)
One in a Million
Sayed Darwish
Helmk Ya Si alam
(الشيخ علام)
Shantat Hamza
(حمزة عبد المولى)
غراميات عفيفي
(عفيفي السلاموني)
Couples and summer
أصل وصورة
(الحانوتي: أبو العينين)
أسبوع عسل
وأدرك شهريار الصباح
(الأب علوي الكاشف)