Человек на полустанке
The Adventures of Prince Florisel
(Джоан, дочь Николса)
Sons of Bitches
(Lidiya Nikolaevna Fedyaeva)
Guest from the Future
(Mariya, sotrudnitsa iz kamennogo veka)
We're from Jazz
(Katya Bobrova)
In the Zone of Special Attention
For the Beautiful Ladies!
Step Forward
The School Waltz
(Зося Кнушевицкая)
Naval Cadets, Charge!
(imperatritsa Elizaveta)
Трое на шоссе
See the Target
The Key That Should Not Be Handed On
Saga of the Ancient Bulgars: The Ladder of Vladimir the Red Sun
Woodpeckers Don't Get Headaches
(Ira Fedorova)
Adam Marries Eve
Ivan and Colombina
(Анка, одинокая и несчастная)
A Profitable Position
The Key
You're Happy, Zhenka!
Faster Than Own Shadow
Vanyushin's children
What are our years!
Adult Son
Where Is Enohp Located?
(Girl in the Dormitory)
Fiasco of Operation Terror
Personal Interest
The Policemen and the Thieves
(Zhanna - guard's wife)
Карл Маркс. Молодые годы
(Mary Burns)
Звёзды сошлись
Birth Certificate
D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers
Naval Cadets, Charge!
(imperatritsa Elizaveta)
(Лидия Журавлева, мать Полины, Томы и Фёдора)
(Татьяна Леонтьевна Тучкова)
Свет в окне
Guest from the Future
(Mariya - sotrudnitsa instituta Vremeni)
Лютик и Анютик
(директор школы Ульяна Лютая)
Красивая жизнь
(мама Юры)
Secret For a Million
(Self - Guest)