Natalka Poltavka
(Boris Tetervakovskiy)
(Kyrr - The Chatlanian-Dissident)
Blue Patrol
("Боязливый", браконьер)
Маршал революции
Cupid and Demon
Tears Were Falling
(piano's owner)
The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish
(офицер/секретарь буржуинов)
The Miracle Voice of Gelsomino
Hiding at the Bottom of the Sea
The Most Charming and Attractive
(Petr Vasilyevich, Boss)
Trips on an Old Car
Man in the Passage Yard
(KGB officer)
Days of the Turbins
(любопытный на митинге (нет в титрах))
Yatra Witch
And the Wind Returns...
The Green Van
A Men Are a Men
The Wind
Miracle in the Land of Oblivion
The Secret Train
(Dezhurnyy po stantsii)
People's Malachi
Zakhar Berkut
Cruise, or Divorce Trip
The Adventures of the Electronic
(Ассистент Стампа)
Captain Nemo
Pavel Korchagin
(Franz Klavicek)
Hard to Be a God
(fake Budakh)
Where have you been, Odysseus?
Defying Everybody
(Kateryna's father)
Judenkreis: The Eternal Wheel
Varka's Land
Punchy Man
Kiev Resident
(Саша Горовец)
I'm Coming to You...
My Mother Gave Birth to Me Happy...
In the Kingdom of Far Far Away
(Taras Levchenko)
Country Trip of Sgt. Tsybulya
Inspector of Criminal Investigation
(Анатолий Юрьевич Мальцев)
The Very Old Fairy Tale
Як коваль щастя шукав
(злий чаклун Вавило Лиходум)
My Husband Is an Alien
(Mikhail Semyonovich)
Day of Love
Elysian Fields
Romashkin Effect
(работник мебельного магазина)
Unfinished Lesson
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
(Гриша Ушивин)
Zudov, You're Fired!
(Rodion Kulyabsky, veterinarian)
Impatience of the Soul
The Feat of Odessa
He Foretells Victory
Blind Rain
Put k serdtsu
Только ты
Среди тысячи дорог
(Ivan Timofeevich)
Bonivur's Heart
Weekday Criminal Investigation
(Мальцев - парикмахер)
In Death's Noose
Лада из страны берендеев
Triple Jump of Panthera
Циклон начнется ночью
The Legend of Till
The Gypsy
Exercise with Three Unknowns
(Spetsialist po mekhu)
(The Steward)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
The Witch
(pysar Prokop Pistryak)
The Scouts
(demoted german officer (uncredited))
Happy Birthday
Blue and Green
Shine, My Star
Hello, Gnat!
Эта твёрдая земля
A Dream
(Kripak (serf))
Quiet Horror
Theatre Season
Второе апреля
The Sons Are Moving On
Captain Nemo
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
(фотограф-криминалист по кличке «6 на 9» Гриша Ушивин)
The Adventures of the Electronic
(Ассистент Стампа)
Man in the Passage Yard
(KGB officer)
Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекльберри Финна
Dandelion Wine
Волшебный голос Джельсомино
(Калимер доносчик)