The Exiles
Beaten at the Bath
(A Wealthy Banker)
Reforming Rubbering Rosie
Bill Bunks the Bandit
(The Cook)
The Villainous Vegetable Vender
Lulu's Lost Lotharios
(Suburban Homes)
Minnie, the Mean Manicurist
(Second Barber)
A Cunning Canal Boat Cupid
(Arthur - the Cook)
The Film Favorite's Finish
Clarissa's Charming Calf
Hattie, the Hair Heiress
(Hattie's First Suitor)
Busted, But Benevolent
(First Tramp)
A Perplexing Pickle Puzzle
Gustav Gebhardt's Gutter Band
(Gustav Gebhardt)
Pansy's Prison Pies