Abbas El Daly

An Egyptian actor, who was born in the city of Tanta in 1911. He memorized the Holy Qur’an and entered the primary and preparatory school. Then he moved to Cairo and lived in Shubra neighborhood. He obtained his secondary certificate in 1928. He worked on the theater, before he had the opportunity to work in cinema in 1939 by participating in the movie Lend Me 3 Pounds. He is best known for acting in: Bitter Grapes, Thief and Dogs, and Women Don't Know How To Lie. He passed away in 1980.


Ebn Al-Shaitan

(the murdered groom)

The Scornful Man

Cairo Station

(عباس الشيال)

The Thug

(مدير مدرسة محو الأمية)

إجازة نص السنة

The Thief and the Dogs

(عبد ربه السجان)

Taxi of Love

They Made Me a Criminal

(صاحب معمل لبن)

El Murra El Maghoula

عصافير الجنة

Lend Me Three Pounds

The Unknown Man


The Lady's Game

(زبون الدخاخنى)

رجل بلا قلب

(الشيخ عبدالواحد)

Foreman Hassan

(السفرجي في منزل كوثر هانم)

God Is on Our Side


A Day of My Life

(Kamel - butler)

me and my daughters


طريق السعادة

Soft Hands

(بائع البسبوسه)

Struggle on the Nile

(من أهل القرية)

The Nightingale's Prayer

The Leech

A Thousand and One Nights


ابن الحارة

(محسب أفندى - كاتب الجزار)

El Maganeen Fi Naeem

Jamila, the Algerian


A Man in Our House

(الشيخ طلعت أبو العينين)

End of the Road

Nisaa Fi Hayaty

I Am Love

(Hotel Concierge)

Gharamiat emaraa


No Understanding

(زبون القهوه)

طريق الأبطال

Mawa'ed Ma' Almady

Yawm El Hesab

(عم علي بواب المدرسة)

Shakawet banat

(ابو اسماعيل)

The Teenagers

(زبون المحامي)

Shakket Al-Talaba


Struggle with life


Antar's Daughter

Couples and summer

(Hassan the janitor)

Tofahet Adam

(Hajj Zain's friend)


The Time of Miracles

(عباس - البواب)

Iidini eaqlak

(أحد رجال القرية)

Bit of Fear

Driven from Paradise